
Become an HDI Featured Contributor in 2025!

Are you ready to give back to the IT Support community? Do you have a story to share? Here's your chance! We're now accepting applications for the HDI Featured Contributors Program. As a Featured Contributor, you'll receive:

  • A featured profile on thinkhdi.com
  • Exposure in the Support World newsletter and on our LinkedIn page
  • A complimentary standard conference pass for an HDI event

Learn more and apply today: Shape IT Support Trends for 2025: Become an HDI Featured Contributor!

Welcome to HDIConnect!

HDIConnect is an interactive forum purpose-built to bring together like-minded practitioners and thought leaders in technical support and service management. A complimentary benefit for the community, HDIConnect provides you with unprecedented access to the best minds and resources in the technical support and service management world. Join today and experience a new level of peer learning, collaboration, knowledge sharing, and resources and research that you won’t find anywhere else.


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